Full-Time Student Rule

53 of our 60 units are Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) units, and households made up entirely of full-time* students do not qualify for an LIHTC unit unless:

...........-  At least 1 non-student is in the household
              (i.e. an unborn baby, or guaranteed part-time students can qualify as the non-student)
...........-  The household of only full-time students meets one of
...........-  the following exemptions:
......................-  Married and filing a joint tax return,
......................-  Single parent, child(ren) lives with you, & child(ren)
......................-  claimed on your tax return or that of the absent
......................-  parent,
......................-  Formerly a foster child,
......................-  Recipient of Title IV of Social Security Act
......................-  (AFDC), such as TANF (Temporary Assistance for
......................-  Needy Families),
......................-  Enrolled in a job rehab program (such as Idaho
......................-  Division of Vocational Rehabilitation).

* Full-Time here means:
...........-  Kindergarten and up, and
...........-  If the school defines you as full-time, and
...........-  If you are enrolled as full-time for at least 5 months out
...........-  of a calendar year (and those five months do not have
...........-  to be consecutive).

Please call 208-883-3181 or email csmgmt@whitewatercreek.com so that we can pre-qualify your household before you apply.